More Pop Tarts

I'm sitting on my bed and the evening sunlight is streaming through my window. Honestly, I wish I was outside. Soon, I'll go to the gym and do some exercising, but for right now, I'm in my own private little space with the super loud power washer cleaning the transit center sidewalks down below (he's very serious; I'll tell you about him some other time) and the television in the living room blaring Sports Center updates. Oh joy.

I also dropped a full ketchup bottle on my foot tonight (a;lsdkfjd;akghfa;kdgh;kadfj!!) and got in a fight with Jason over some small things to bring to Africa. (Oh, btw, Jason and I are going on vacation to Africa in 4 weeks. Aren't we just the luckiest?!?! More on that later.)

The bright spot today was this outfit, though this skirt is feeling a liiiiiiiittle tight these days. I suppose it's time to lay off the s'mores pop tarts.


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