Mom Jeans

Well, Freestyle Week wasn't the most major success for me, but alas, we all have weird wardrobe weeks, months, years, don't we? (I did go through a period of time in college when I thought men's cargo shorts looked SO awesome with a pair of wedges and a tight white tank. I don't like to make anyone feel bad about what they currently wear or once wore - including my past self - but let's just say I'm glad I grew out of that phase...)

Today was sort of my take on the fall plaid/sweater/rain boots look. It didn't turn out exactly how I had envisioned (these particular pants with a tucked in shirt made me feel like I was wearing mom jeans), but it was good enough. And sometimes, that's all I need for a rainy Friday: good enough.

Oh, and notice the new haircut! A long(er) version of a lob (long bob)!

Shirt: Thrifted
Sweater: Guess
Pants: Thrifted
Boots: Borrowed


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