You guys. I just finished one of my most favorite weekends ever!
First, I went shopping at
Anthropologie on Friday afternoon. I needed a dress for a wine event we had on Saturday night. Can you guess which one I bought?
Can't find this on the website to save my life |
Same dress as above, choose different color here |
Okay, so that wasn't a fair question because I ended up buying 5 dresses. I know! The shame! I was running out of time, so I took all the dresses that I liked and threw them on the counter and told myself that Jason could pick which one he liked the most. At least they were all on sale! (Update: I have to return at least 3 of the dresses in accordance with the Herzberg Law of Jason Keeping Me Honest. I guess it's what we do for each other. Please repeat: Just because Jason has a new job, I do not need to spend more money. Just because Jason has a new job, I do not need to spend more money. I have to!)
On Friday night, we went to our favorite local steakhouse, Melrose Grill, to celebrate the start of Jason's job at Amazon on Monday (today!). We had lovely conversation and delicious food (duck risotto!) and we went to bed at 10pm after a generous helping of DVR and our couch. A perfect night, if you ask me.
Saturday morning was the actual start to my dream weekend: A whole 16 hours with the Gottmans. Do you know who Drs. John and Julie Gottman are? Only the world's leading relationship researchers and clinicians! They can predict, with 92% accuracy, if a couple will get divorced within 15 minutes of listening to a discussion of a conflict in their relationship. They are the founders of
The Gottman Institute and the
Love Lab. They have over 40 years of research on relationships and divorce and families and couples. They are psychology celebrities! I have the biggest crush on Dr. John Gottman. HE IS MY LEONARDO. My Ryan Reynolds! I love him!
And so, this weekend, Jason agreed to my lifelong dream: Attending a weekend-long couples workshop hosted by the Gottmans in Seattle. You see, their institute hosts these workshops for couples in committed relationships all over the United States, but the Seattle location is the only one that they host
themselves. And I wanted ONLY THEM. In fact, I want to track them down at their home at Orcas Island and stalk them while their kayaking in British Columbia and sit behind them while a jazz pianist plays their favorite music at Jazz Alley in downtown Seattle. (Okay, maybe I was listening a little bit too intently at all the activities they love...) They are seriously the coolest and I want to be related to them so I can always benefit forever and ever from the vast amount of brain knowledge they have! If only osmosis was really a thing, I would sleep next to them every night...
Jason thought I was just the creepiest lady taking all these pictures |
My cute date for the whollllllle weekend - we spent every waking minute together |
I just LOVE them so so so so much. And even though my brain was fried by the end of Saturday, I wanted more! I could spend all month with them! They are just absolutely
brilliant. We learned so much!
On Saturday night, Jason and I went from the all-day couples workshop directly to a wine event with Jason's family (which is where the dresses come in). The event was wonderful; it benefited children and families in the Bellevue area who need meal support during school breaks. They raised a lot of money and we had fun bidding on items in our first silent auction. Everybody wins. :)
Don't we look good for getting ready in a short time? |
The cut on this dress is |
The next day, we were back at it with our best friends, the Gottmans. (I only wish they were presenting the seminar to only us...over their house on Orcas...annually...oh boy, I
am a lady creeper!)
I was dying for a selfie with them, but couldn't bring myself to ask |
And that was it. I wanted more, as I always do when it comes to the Gottmans, but 16 hours is all they had for now. Perhaps someday, I will find myself holed up in research lab with them, knotting our brows and sweating over copious amounts of data and calculations, as Dr. John Gottman did get a Master's in Mathematics from MIT in his first career before studying relationships. (Gah! I'm a sucker for a brain!)
So then, on Sunday night, we got ready for Jason's first week at Amazon and my wardrobe theme week: Freestyle. So that's what I did today, I freestyled it! And my take on freestyle marked the end of my super fabulous dream weekend.
Cardigan: Thrifted
Skirt: JCPenney's
Shoes: Target
Side note: I felt fab in this outfit today! I think it's the shoes and the jewel tones of the cardigan or something like that. I was comfortable, too. That counts for a lot! My hair looked crazy when I woke up this morning, but luckily, some gentle coaxing caused it to settle into something quite pretty! Or maybe it's the lipstick. Lipstick always makes things look put together. :)
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