So Many Things


My computer was being so weird last week that I didn't even blog about the fun stuff that I did! First of all, last Wednesday night, I saw Oliver Beauty over in Capitol Hill for a makeup lesson. You guys. He was amazing!! How have I not already done something like this? I LOVE makeup! Honestly, I didn't really know what to expect when he told me to bring my entire skincare regime and all of my makeup, but I obeyed and hauled it all over to his quiet work space in Capitol Hill. Once there, we spread everything out and he started by examining my skin and then talking through my skincare routine and what items I should definitely be using. Other items were for once a week or once a month. He was very explicit and encouraged me to write everything down - he wanted our time to be truly educational and transferable to my daily schedule! Then, we got into my makeup. He went step-by-step using my tools and my colors and my products to show me a daytime face (a few of them, actually) and then he showed me an easy transition to a glam nighttime look. I love to play with makeup and I have quite a lot of it, but admittedly, I don't really know how to use my brushes and I can be a bit averse to using color (esp on my eyes). He showed me multiple uses for so many of my products and told me what items and brushes I could ditch. By the end (a good 2+ hours later), I felt really excited to go home and practice my new techniques. The next day, a coworker told me that my skin looked amazing! Well duh, I credit it to Oliver for showing me how to look as if I'm glowing from the inside out! (It's called strobing, btw. I'm SO FANCY for knowing all the lingo. I know.)  Take a look at these pics:

A fresh, clean face with no makeup

With tinted BB cream only

He's showing me where my contouring color should go

Got the contouring down (and the duck face)

Daytime look complete

Going a little more glam

Finally with the mascara and the lips

This is most of my makeup...

And this is some of his!

I would highly recommend his makeup lessons to anyone -- from the person who knows virtually nothing about makeup to the woman who feels as though she loves makeup and has a handle on how to do her own, but maybe needs a little bit of help with utilizing her tools or her colors. It was so enlightening to learn how to use my brushes and products, and learn new looks to try. I think everyone (save for those few of you who are professional makeup artists) should go see him! He is a wealth of knowledge! So worth the $90 I spent on his lesson.

On Thursday night, I went to my first Macklemore concert and it. was. awesome! He is such a great entertainer. Like WHOA. He's energetic and dynamic and enthusiastic and he stands for the things I believe in (like freedom and gay rights and same sex marriage and being weird) instead of rapping about chicks and booty and drugs and money and popping and locking. (I actually like popping and locking, though, just to be clear. It's coo.) He performed for the 20th Anniversary of Amazon summer party (can you even BELIEVE it's been 20 years?!?!) and it was totes dope!

What I wore

Double-fisting it :)

And then, on Saturday, I hung out with my friend from the fashion blogging world, Asa! We went shopping together (duh). She is the sweetest! You can check her out here.

Uh. NO. Too baby doll short.

Isn't she cute? She needs a pair of Birks, clearly.

What I actually wore

Okay, so let's get down to it. Last week, it was Earrings Week and I finished strong with sparkly leopard number. I purposely wore black (and Birks!) to tone it down.

Shirt: H&M -- $12
Pants: Target -- $25
Shoes: Birks -- $135
Outfit Total: $172

Reppin' a different look with the Taos sandals

The Birks are the best

That hair! Holy newswoman

Finally, I'm working on some new stuff for my biz including an email campaign to bring Wardrobe Theme Weeks right to your inbox! It's pretty rad! Email me or connect with me on my website if you want in.

Next week (tomorrow!) is Black and White Week! Show me what you've got and #skasthemeweeks on Facebook and Instagram (@sweetkellyanne).


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