
Greeeeeeeeeeen Alert! I have more green than I even thought, so this week is super fun for me. The scarf was a last minute addition to this outfit and I'm pretty pleased with the results! I've posted a few similar poses with various differences -- no scarf, tucked in, etc. See how the slight changes alter the silhouette and proportion of my body. 

Cardigan: Thrifted (H&M) -- $5
Blouse: Nordstrom (Halogen) -- $60
Jeans: Nordstrom (Citizens of Humanity) -- $180
Shoes: Target -- $30
Scarf: World Market -- $12
Outfit Total: $287

Perhaps I look leaner here because you can see my neck

Untucked with scarf -- good visual interest, but no neckline!

Tucked with no scarf -- longer leg line!


Tucked -- leg line looks longer again!


I love my hair SO MUCH MORE than yesterday

Oh, also: Jewel tones (those colors shone in the pictures above -- kelly green, cobalt blue, raspberry, deep purple, etc) look good on everyone! And they're good for spring!


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