Kitties and Lip Balm

The weekend was excellent! I did a styling consultation, played with kitties, had mom's day dinner with Jason's fam, cleaned out my car, and bought some weird flavors of lip balm.

Zelda the prettiest kitty.

Winston is such a little cutie pie lover butt.

I wasn't kidding when I said weird flavors. The pizza one was so gross

Last Friday, we finished "A Touch of Grandma" for our Wardrobe Theme Weeks and I chose a pretty floral dress that I got at a clothing swap and I've had for ages. The dress was actually much too long for me at first. I cut it off (with a regular old scissors) and it has been perfect ever since. I'm a sucker for a floral print!

Dress: Swapped (vintage) -- free
 Cardigan: Thrifted (Benetton) -- $5
Shoes: Franco Sarto -- $50
Outfit Total: $55

I tried to spin!

Next week is theme is GREEN for Mental Health Awareness Month in May!


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