Green Wall

Pride Week is in full swing over here and I wore yellow today. I have lots of yellow, so it was hard to decide what to wear. But as you might remember from this post, I took a risk on these butter yellow harem pants at a thrift store in Quebec City and I never looked back.

Today, while sorting through my closet to decide what to wear, I realize that I need to KONDO THE SHIT out of my wardrobe. Don't know what Kondo-ing is? Well then, I recommend that you read this book to familiarize yourself with the concept of "finding joy" in everything you have. I'm serious. Do hiking boots give you joy? Then donate them. Does your toothbrush give you joy? Then throw it away. Judging by the latter question, I'm not sure this concept works with all items, but then again, I haven't finished the book. I'll let you know.

Different view today. Different wall. Changing it up a bit. 

Shirt: Thrifted (unknown) -- $5
Pants: Thrifted (unknown) -- $5
Shoes: Taos (totally worth it) -- $160
Necklace: Nordstrom -- $30
Outfit Total: $200

Well this is an awkward picture of my boob

The only way I could capture the french braid

Petite earrings with a big necklace is the only way to go


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